Roadmap to the Executive Suite

Top Job Searching Sites for Women In Tech

Claudia Miller Season 2 Episode 16

Applying to jobs can be very frustrating, especially if you are only using the same job search sites like LinkedIn or Indeed. You’ll see a job opportunity only to find that it’s no longer available or it does not suit your needs. So, where else can you look for tech jobs for you?

In this episode, Claudia shares her list of top job searching websites for women in tech that can help you land the job or position you want. These sites are perfect if you are looking to work with startups, if you are looking for your first six-figure position, or if you’d like to work with top-tier tech companies. Claudia will also share some tips when applying for jobs in the tech industry.

In This Podcast We Talk About:

  • Claudia’s list of top job search sites for women in tech.

  • The rule of thumb when applying to jobs.

  • The best way to get job alerts for sought-after tech companies.

About Me:
I started my career like many people do: in an entry-level role making around $35K a year, was the first to arrive and last to leave, putting a 110% into my job…But it wasn’t enough.

I was consistently being passed up for promotions and realized I was being underpaid compared to my colleagues.

I knew that in order to get ahead in my career and be able to make the money I wanted… to support the lifestyle I wanted…something had to change.

So, I started investing in myself. I worked with a career coach, and resume writer, read every career book that I could get my hands on, enrolled in career courses, and studied colleagues who seem to be crushing it in their careers. And after investing over $20,000 in resources, coaches, and books…and spending thousands of hours over five years…I realized that many of the common advice out there did NOT move the needle when it came to advancing your career!

Instead, I handpicked and carefully selected what worked to create my now signature program, 90-Day Job Offer, that is unlike anything that is out there. I wish a program like this existed when I was going through my career advancement and salary negotiations. If so, it would have been a fraction of the cost and saved me over four years of frustration of trial-and-error.

Since then, my clients have taken my ready-to-use resources to advance their careers in 90-days or less and secured on average a 56% increase in salary (to date, my clients have received $30,000 - $140,000 in additional earned income per year)!!

I help women in technology land fulfilling, high-paying jobs at a company that values and appreciates them. I’m on a mission to help women in tech collectively earn over a $1M in the next year.

Will you join me?

Links Mentioned:
Head over to Claudia's LinkedIn Page to get the links for her top job search sites:

Get to know more about My 90-Day Job Offer Program here: 

Application to Work With Claudia Miller 

Roadmap to the Executive Suite: 

Claudia Miller:

Welcome to roadmap to the executive suite podcast, a place where we talk about accelerating your careers all tailored to the ambitious woman. We're here to have fun, feel empowered and get actionable steps to get you closer to your dream job and salary, no matter where you are in your career. I'm your host, Claudia Miller, Athena, career coach and corporate trainer who helps ambitious women get the jobs they want, almost getting them up to $100,000 in salary increases. I've been featured in Forbes MSNBC, and Business Insider put me there Top Global list of top innovative career coaches, and the creative 90 day job offer program where I teach career driven women like you my proprietary strategy on how to land a job you love in less than 90 days, all while getting 30 to$100,000 in salary increases, no matter if you're just starting in your career, or you're ready to pivot into the executive suite. My clients have been able to move to the next step in their careers successfully pivoted into new industries without having to take a pay cut and broke it into management without any prior experience. I'm coming to you with a new episode every week on Thursdays with mindset job search, interview skills and sound negotiation advice with actionable strategies you can implement today to help you get ahead in your career. Now let's get started with this week's episode. Hi, welcome. I'm excited for today's topic, which is top job searching websites for women in tech. And I do get a lot of questions like this because as we all know, I'm not going to cover LinkedIn or indeed, or monster if that's even a thing anymore. So I wouldn't go specifically into other job boards that you may not have heard of. And I'll even give you some details. If I feel like it's something very specific to that website, or it might help you with your job search. But I know sometimes it can be very frustrating when all you see is LinkedIn or indeed or you see like these job postings have been there out for a while or you've already applied to a lot of these jobs. And you're like what else? Like where are there more opportunities. So if you're currently a woman in tech, and currently job searching and wondering where you can find job opportunities, besides the LinkedIn, and indeed, then door I got you covered, I actually have a list of top 24 websites. That's right 24 websites, where you can look for jobs in the tech industry, ranging from startups all the way to, you know, fortune 100 companies. And it's not just for technical jobs is for jobs at tech companies. So there's also sales and marketing at a tech company, also operations within a tech company. So don't feel like this is just for software developers and juniors or data scientists. It's really awkward to the tech industry and technical roles as well. So we're going to cover a lot of ground today. But for those of you that don't know me, my name is Claudia Miller, and I'm a Career Coach. And I help career driven women in tech land fulfilling jobs in less than 90 days while getting paid what they deserve. So on average, my clients get to 56% in salary increases. And that can translate to anywhere between 30,000 and even up to $120,000 in additional earned income. So remember, this episode is all about helping you get the job you want. So like I've mentioned, these sites include various types of roles, not just technical roles, but also jobs and roles within tech companies. So you will see some sales, marketing operations opportunities as well, along with those technical roles of software developers, engineers, product development, and that'll be all accessible. So first, I actually wanted to share with you some of the top websites that I've personally used or have recommended to my clients. And one of the websites is actually Angel List. Not to be confused with Angie's list that's totally different. So AngelList is particularly a job board for tech startups. So they'll tell you like how much funding they have received in their Series A, B, or C and how much they received. And each one gives you sometimes an overview of the founder. It's very like not passive, but it's an easier route, where sometimes it'll say like, Hey, I'm the founder, text me at this number if you're interested in applying. No, it's not like applied to jobs, while some of them might have, but some of them are very like casual like, hey, just text me your information. And we can talk and see if this is a good fit. So I really like AngelList for that. And this is where if you're looking for the unicorn startup and make it big, I think AngelList is really great website. That's where the Ubers of companies that before they became big started sourcing for talent. And then of course, Uber that was a huge company Lyft but that's where they start. So if you're lucky, I love working at tech startups. I'd like to know a little bit more about the founders or what other companies they found it or what their background is, and I liked that casual environment are processed and AngelList is really great website for you. Now the next one is built in. So they do have different you can actually go to built in that calm. It's mostly for tech jobs or within tech industries. And some of them have almost like sister sites. I know there's built in I think there's one in built in New So some of these big cities, but you can also go to built, and then source and you can look for remote jobs. And it could be from anywhere. So it's a really great website for job postings. It gives you a little bit information, like some of the benefits that it provides some like overview of the company if they want any awards. So it's a really great resource for you as well, that I recommend built in. And then also the ladders, not sure if you heard of this website, but the ladders prides itself and only having six figure jobs, it does not post jobs that doesn't pay less than 100k. So if you're like, Hey, I'm already past that 100k mark, or I want to get past that 100k mark, well, then I recommend to check out the ladders, I think there is a fee associated with it, I can't remember what it is. But just check it out. Like I said they have postings that have high value positions, sometimes executive level positions. And like I said, you know that the jobs you find in there, they're paying at least 100,000. Another website that i can recommend is Hispanic CRO. So if usually Hispanic Pearl does a lot of events for Latin a professionals and they have big companies like Google, Microsoft, I mean, you name these top big hitters, as well as some startups and midsize companies. They post jobs within Hispanic pro website and as Hispanic And then you can go in there and applying for jobs. This is not always looking for Latin a professionals. But if you're a Latin a professional, definitely check it out and go through there and apply. But it's also open to the public. So this is another great website that you can look for job opportunities. And again, if you're letting the professionals or you are sourcing for more of a diverse candidates, I highly recommend to check out Hispanic Pro. And they also do a lot of cool events in Chicago. And I think in other cities as well, where you can network in person connect with other people. Now, those are like the top primary ones that I have personally used in my clients AngelList built in the ladders, and Hispanic Pro. So now I'm going to go in through another list, it's going to be around 19 other websites where you can apply to jobs within the tech industry or technical roles. Now some of these have a little bit of overview of what makes them different. And some of them are just job boards. So only a little bit more of like what makes them different, or if there's just a really good website for you to go after. So there's Mashable job board, you can go there for job postings. And if you're listening to this on YouTube, Facebook or my LinkedIn, I'm actually going to connect it to all these websites. So that way you can get this list and then you can go in and start applying to some of these jobs. So like I mentioned Mashable job board, there's also a website called on cubed u n cubed, on cubed, authentic jobs. That's another great website for tech career. So it's called tech careers, and you've got to the website. Another one is called white truffle. So white truffle allows you to apply to 7500 plus tech jobs via one application. So if you're like, hey, I kind of want to make my be productive, efficient and effective, that I recommend to check out white truffle applied through them application. And automatically, it almost connects you with positions they think that you'd be really qualified for. The other one is it job Pro. And these are high level jobs like vice president, and all the way to software engineering. So it's a wide range of positions that are available out there. So it job Pro, definitely check it out. Whether you're entry level or looking for executive level positions. It's a really great resource. The next one is F six s. And this is a great job for for tech workers who want to join a true startup. So there are no big banks or corporations or anything like that. It's just startup companies similar to AngelList. Now the next one is remote tech jobs. And like name says it they only have remote jobs in there. That's what they specialize in. And then the other one is Product Hunt. Great website to the next one is higher tech ladies. So these are jobs primarily where these companies are trying to add more diversification and trying to source for women talent are women in tech talent, so I highly recommend to look for them as well. How Where to fly. Also really great website. And a lot of these I've checked them out, they have really great job postings, like I said, not only for tech roles, but also jobs within the tech industry, they have a lot of information in there. The other one is triple byte, B YT. Right. The next one is the muse. So that's another website you can use. And usually, they also have like articles and recommendations on like, you know how to revamp your resume, or what to say during an interview. It's very like surface level, which some of it I do think it's really good. They do provide really great emails and templates and scripts at times. But also check out their website for their job board, they have a really great job opportunities. This one is dice, D IC E, another great source, hired, that's another website. And hired is another top job site for IT jobs. So you can create a profile and hired matches your skills to the right job opportunities. And companies that are interested were reach out to you for an interview. So again, it's a really good way to really be very efficient with your time and I know plenty of jobs consumptive take a long time. So some of these websites like white truffle and hire kind of make the process is very easy for you where it's just one application, and it just gets sent out to the masses. Now you want to make sure you have a really good resume, where it can connect a kind of brandy for the roles you want. And not that you're all of a sudden getting approached for job opportunities, that doesn't even make sense. And you probably you're not even interested in. So just be weary of that. The other one is crunch board. That's kind of similar to Tech Crunch. If you follow the website, it's usually very tech related, they get reviews, but they also started their own chalk board. So you can look into that job spresso. That's also another great website. And it caters to remote work. So if you're like, hey, Claudia, my company's having me come back into the office or doing a hybrid model, by the way, I moved on to live near the office and I just want to remote, oh, well, then job spresso is a really great resource for you to look for jobs that are all remote. The other one is underdog. i Oh, so this job site lets you apply to multiple job technologies within 60 seconds. So it's a really quick application kind of similar to LinkedIn, easy apply. So that would also be a really quick way to help you apply to a lot of jobs in a short amount of time. So that's the entire list that I have. I mean, like I mentioned, I will link all of these sites, either in the YouTube within Facebook, LinkedIn, so that way you can all get access to them. And it'll be easy for you to start looking for jobs. And even along with my some of my descriptions that I've kind of mentioned here, whether it's for tech startups, or if it's remote roll, or for these high value paying jobs, or for jobs over 100k. I'll include that description. But I did want to mention that, you know, one of the things that I've seen is like when I talk to people is they'll tell me, Claudia, I applying for 200 jobs. And I've been job searching for a year and a half or two. I'm either not getting interviews, or I'm getting interviews, but I'm not getting any job offers, I can give you another list of 50 other sites. But if you don't have a good resume, it doesn't matter how many jobs you apply. Because you're not standing out from the competition, you're not building on your market differentiator. So you want to make sure that when you're applying to these jobs, that you make sure you have a really good resume. How do you know you have a really good resume? Well, a good rule of thumb is for every 10 jobs, you should be at least getting two to three interviews. If you're not, you probably need help with your resume. So I'm offering you these really great websites. But again, it is not the goal or intent for you to apply to two to 300 jobs or even more than 100 jobs or so, if you're not getting any result, then don't do it first, fix your resume, either hire professional, buy a course or whatever that is and fix your resume, and then apply to jobs because I want you to be productive and efficient while going through this process. Now if you're like Claudia, I'm getting interviews but I'm not getting any job offers. Well, that means you need help with your interview. And sometimes a resume can be linked to it. So if you're not able to sell yourself well in your interviews, you probably not selling yourself well in your resume as well. So, again, I recommend either to work on your interviewing skills on your own, or hire a interview coach, or like in my programming 90 day job offer. I offer mock interview sessions with my clients where we focus and work on their interviewing skills, and how to sharpen them in less than two weeks or less. So those are things you want to start looking into. Now. If you're applying to very competitive jobs or very competitive companies like Apple, Google metta where everyone wants to work at I recommend to put an alert on the company site. So sometimes you can log into the company site, create an account. And then you can put like what type of jobs you're interested in, put that job alert. Because those jobs get close really quickly. Sometimes they're only available for one or two days, maybe a week, maybe two weeks. But it's rare to see that. And if so, it's because they forgot to close a job posting, and they're already going through the interview process. So if you really are looking for a very highly competitive sought after company where everyone wants to work there, then just go straight to the company, for job alerts, and always watch it every single morning. And then like in later in the evening or afternoon, and see if there are any job postings. So you can immediately apply because those jobs get close very quickly. I think I was reading a stat that on average, a company gets 250 applicants for every job posting. Now when it comes to very competitive companies, it can go sometimes up to 1500 to 1800. job applicants, for one job posting, imagine the apples, the Googles, those rolls go really quickly. So that's why they only keep it open for a short amount of time, because they just already get so many applicants. So put a job alerts that way you can immediately apply to them. And the other thing is because they do tend to close very quickly, there is tends to be a lag, meaning it gets posted, let's just out on Google website, here's this job board for data scientists role, well, then it might take four to five days, then to get posted on LinkedIn, LinkedIn, it says a just got posted two hours ago. But in reality, this job was posted over four or five days ago. And they're probably already closed, or they're already sourcing through those resumes. And identifying their interviewing candidates, you might already be too late by the time if you're relying on third party job boards like LinkedIn, and D, built in all these other 23 other sites that I gave you. So if you're going after sought after companies just go straight to the company and put alerts on them, or find any other ways like that. Because by the time it goes through LinkedIn, it might already be too late. And I've seen it where it says its job was just posted an hour ago, you click on that job posting, and it says it's already close, even though LinkedIn says they just got posted an hour ago. But when I leave the company website, I see there was posted four or five days ago. So just know that there is a lag in there. And remember, the golden objective is not tied to 100 to 200 jobs, at any interviews or job offers, make sure that you're working smart and efficient. And like I said, I gave you kind of the rule of thumb, hey, I applied to 10 jobs, no interviews, need to go back to the drawing board and fix my resume. Or, Hey, I applied to 10 jobs, I'm already have three interviews, I have a really good resume, then I could continue applying. And then you can start seeing how much interviews you're able to handle. A lot of my clients, like I mentioned, for every 10 jobs, they apply two to three interviews. And that's just the average. I've had clients where they're like, Hey, I applied to 10 jobs, and I had seven interviews. I don't know how to even manage seven different companies, you know, with seven different interview stages and all different points in time. So just be weary of that. And if you're like Claudia, this sounds great. I have the job boards, but I don't know if I'm doing it right. I don't know if my resumes Right, I've had interviews, but I haven't done very well. Well, then I invite you to get an a complimentary, no obligation risks free 60 minute career strategy call where I talk a little bit more, or I ask you a little bit more about what you're looking for, how it's been going so far, and how you can get inland that Philly job in the next 90 days, while still increasing your salary. And one of the things that I love doing while I'm getting on these complimentary career strategy calls is asking, you know, what is your ideal salary? And I'll tell you if you're being underpaid. Or if you're under asking straight up, I can know immediately to say, Hey, by the way, I actually just talked to someone that's interested in the program. She's like, Hey, I'm making 120 I hope I make 150 As a director in this, I think user experience role. Well, the position based on their years of experience, their background, and what I see in the market, they can actually get a starting pay of 170 to 180 face. And that doesn't even include any benefits. So no 20% Bonus yet I haven't even counted the RSUs if it's a public company, signup, bonus or retention, bonus and any other perks that come from this company. So I automatically knew that they were under asking by over 40 50k. So that's another perk that you get on getting into career strategy call with me. And again, I'll tell you a little bit more whether I'm able to help you 90 day job offers a good fit for you. And if it's not, I let you know I'm transparent. I only work with spies that I know I can help. If I can't help you. I'm not going to let you in my program. So again, feel free to hop on that call, we get to talk and I get to know a little bit more about you and what you're looking for. So if you're interested or job searching or need help with it, feel free to schedule a call. But I hope these job links are very useful for you. And best of luck in your job searching journey. And of course, any other websites maybe that I missed, or something that you really enjoyed are kind of wild. Let me know in the comments, of course, I always want to know like, did you know about these sites? You know, Was it useful for you? Did you even know they existed, especially like the ladders like I love it, it only jobs over 100k That is it. What a great website, especially if you're looking to break into this six figure job. All right, till next time until next week. Thank you and have a great day. And again, leave comments and let me know like how is it going and what you found really useful? All right, take care. Did you know I have started 100% free Facebook group dedicated to making job searching easy for career driven women and help them master their interviewing, networking and start negotiation skills. And we're doing free weekly trainings, covering everything from how to sell yourself to increasing your salary by 30% minimum plus, you'll be endowed with a network of other ambitious women. So make sure to join us by texting us the word join 28449951523 And we'll see you there