Roadmap to the Executive Suite

How Do You Negotiate Salary After Receiving a Job Offer in 2022?

Claudia Miller Season 2 Episode 9

Is there a need to negotiate your salary after receiving a job offer? Are there other benefits that you can still negotiate after you receive a job offer?

A lot of job seekers and employees stop negotiations after they receive a job offer, especially if the offer has met their expectations. In this episode, I will share my thoughts on why you should not stop negotiating. I will share steps that you can take so you can meet your salary expectations and so much more. And I will also share a negotiation script that you can use and some of my clients’ experiences with negotiating salaries even after receiving a job offer.

In This Podcast We Talk About:

  • What the topic of the episode is all about.

  • Three critical steps you need to take when negotiating your salary after receiving a job offer.

  • What do you need to negotiate aside from your salary? 

  • My Salary Negotiation Script.

About Me:

I started my career like many people do: in an entry level role making around $35K a year, was the first to arrive and last to leave, putting a 110% into my job…But it wasn’t enough.

I was consistently being passed up for promotions and realized I was being underpaid compared to my colleagues.

I knew that in order to get ahead in my career and be able to make the money I wanted… to support the lifestyle I wanted…something had to change.

So, I started investing in myself. I worked with a career coach, resume writer, read every career book that I could get my hands on, enrolled in career courses, and studied colleagues wo seemed to be crushing it in their careers. And after investing over $20,000 in resources, coaches, and books…and spending thousands of hours over five years…I realized that many of the common advice out there did NOT move the needle when it came to advancing your career!

Instead, I handpicked and carefully selected what worked to create my now signature program, 90-Day Job Offer, that is unlike anything that is out there. I wish a program like this existed when I was going through my career advancement and salary negotiations. If so, it would have been a fraction of the cost and saved me over four years of frustration of trial-and-error.

Since then, my clients have taken my ready-to-use resources to advance their careers in 90-days or less, and secured on average a 56% increase in salary (to date my clients have received $30,000 - $120,000 in additional earned income per year)!!

I help women in technology land fulfilling, high-paying jobs at a company that values and appreciates them. I’m on a mission to help women in tech collectively earn over a $1M in the next year.

Will you join me?

Links Mentioned:

Get my FREE Word-for-Word Salary Negotiation Script here: 

Get to know more about My 90-Day Job Offer Program here: 

Application to Work With Claudia Miller: 

Roadmap to the Executive Suite: 


Welcome to roadmap to the executive suite podcast, a place where we talk about accelerating your careers all tailored to the ambitious woman. We're here to have fun, feel empowered and get actionable steps to get you closer

Claudia Miller:

to your dream job and salary, no matter where you are in your career. I'm your host, Claudia Miller, Athena, career coach and corporate trainer who helps ambitious women get the jobs they want, almost getting them up to$100,000 in salary increases. I've been featured in Forbes MSNBC, and Business Insider put me there Top Global list of top innovative career coaches, and the creative 90 day job offer program where I teach career driven women like you my proprietary strategy on how to land a job you love in less than 90 days, all while getting 30 to$100,000 in salary increases, no matter if you're just starting in your career, or you're ready to pivot into the executive suite. My clients have been able to move to the next step in their careers successfully pivoted into new industries without having to take a pay cut and broke it into management without any prior experience. I'm coming to you with a new episode every week on Thursdays with mindset job search, interview skills and sound negotiation advice with actionable strategies you can implement today to help you get ahead in your career. Now let's get started with this week's episode. All right. So I'm excited for today's topic. And this is something I usually get a question about salary negotiation. So today, we're going to talk about how to negotiate your salary after receiving a job offer in 2022. So this is a question I get asked all the time, it's, you may be gone to the interview process. You've been job searching. And now you want to know a little bit more on how do you negotiate. You made it to this final step. What's next? So today, I'm going to talk about three critical steps you need to take when negotiating your salary when it comes towards the end when it's that job offer. I'm not going to cover right now any negotiation that comments beforehand, or when they ask you during the interview process. This is assuming that you've already received a job offer. And you're trying to wonder like, Hey, how can I negotiate the salary, maybe you haven't responded to them or accent yes or no. I'm also going to share with you a quick negotiation script you can use to help you negotiate with competent and ease so that way you can listen to this episode or write it down. You can replay it back and write it down in your notebook and try to make it into your own words. But you'll know the exact word for word side negotiation script, and I'm going to have a few other scripts available to you if you're interested. So if you don't know who I am, my name is Claudia Miller, and I'm a Career Coach for women in tech. And I help women land fulfilling jobs in less than 90 days, while getting paid what they deserve. And on average, my clients get a 56% in salary increases. And that equates to anywhere between 30 and even up to $120,000 in salary increases. So that's an additional earned income. And this is Episode and all the video series that I create. It's all about helping you land the job you want while getting you that proper salary that you're looking for. So as I mentioned, there are three steps you need to take when negotiating your salary. Now, if you're in a position right now, where you're still wondering, should I negotiate my salary? The answer is always yes. I don't care what it is, if they're offering you a really great job offer. We're like, this is perfect. This is way more than I wanted. The answer is still yes, there are other things we can negotiate. There's benefits, perks, titles, I mean, I have a list of 36 Other things you can negotiate besides salary. So always have a plan in mind. And I'll go into a little bit more in a few. So this episode is more on like how to negotiate. So if you're still wondering, Hey, I don't know if I should negotiate. What did they pull back the offer? Like I'm scared, then you need to listen to the episode I actually did a few days ago. And it's called, can you lose a job offer by negotiating your salary, and I recommend you go watch it. Like I said, I'm not really going to touch on that topic today, this episode on its own. So what I'm going to assume, like I mentioned is you've gone through the interview process. And at this point, you're just waiting for the job offer or perhaps you've already received the job offer. And you're kind of in that transition phase where you're waiting to either sign the document or you're reading through the job offer before accepting the role itself. Now, here are the three steps you need to take when negotiating your salary when it comes towards the job offer. So first test, you want to have an idea already what the range of the role is. And I know it sounds super easy, but it's harder to do in practice. And I have here three strategies on how you can figure out the salary So at this point, you can still ask for the recruiter, maybe you send early phases. But you can always ask, you know, can you tell me a little bit more about what is the budget for this role. Now, again, you might be already have the job offer in your hands, so it might be a little bit too late. Another thing you can do, which is step two is go on LinkedIn, and look at job postings. And I think you could even use other job sites like indeed or ladder. But for me, it's just easier to use LinkedIn, just look up for the job title you're already getting that job offer for, and primarily in an industry similar to what you're what they're offering, or the company that's offering you the role. So if you're applying for an E commerce tech company, well, then you want to look for another E commerce tech companies for that specific role. And then look for Colorado. So the state of Colorado actually has a law that says that they have to share their salary ranges with you with a job posting. So when if in doubt, if you're like, I don't have time, I can't ask the recruiter anymore, it's already too late in the process. You know, I don't have anything else, I kind of need something really quick, just do that quick search for Colorado jobs, same job, tada, you're getting that job or for or you're interviewing for, and then look for a similar industry or type of company. So that way you can get, you're comparing apples to apples, as opposed to apples to oranges. And that can be a really quick way to decipher that. You can also network with three other people who used to be in that role to give you a better overview of the range. But again, I'm assuming that you're probably at this point, don't have time to connect, it can take about a week or so to connect with someone network, have a conversation, and finding time in both of your schedules to connect. But if you're still kind of in the early phases, or they gave you up to two to three weeks to respond, it's usually unlikely, but it's possible, then I will recommend that that's probably the best way to get a true salary range, it's a lot closer, and then they might be able to let you know other benefits on top. And what's customary for the industry or for the role itself. They might say something like, Oh, here's the salary range that we typically offer for this role. And it comes already with a 20% bonus based on performance. And if they were relocated, we offer a 30 $40,000 relocation fee. Plus, we offer sign on bonuses. And we actually started giving away retention bonuses for people that stay here for more than 12 months. So now you have a long list of things that you can start asking for when negotiating your salary. But again, this you will need at least a week, and I would say even a week and a half or two in order to do this. So if you're kind of a tight timeline, just go the simple route and just look up for those jobs in Colorado to get your truce salary. And I would even just depending on where your location is, Colorado's tend to have a very standard cost of living than other states. So I would just kind of take that into account where if you're like in a state like Arkansas, you might want to discount that a little bit by like 10 15% based on location, but at least you have a better range than an 80 100k discrepancy. So, like I said, first, you want to have an idea of what the range for the role is. So now that you've identified the range for the role is creating a plan A, B, and C, we want to ensure success, and we want to plan for the best and for the worst. So for this is you want to look up companies or the company specific employee benefits. And this is quick, if it's a really big company, you can just Google Acme employee benefits, or the name of the company employee benefits. And you might be directed immediately to their what kind of insurance they have to have done to do the cover your MBA, do they have professional stipends? Do you have access to LinkedIn learning, and so on and so forth. Or like even stipends for like health and gym wellness or daycare or parking, all that information will be in the employee handbook. Now, if you don't have it, or the company isn't big enough, or it's not public, then feel free to reach out back to the recruiter and ask, Oh, by the way, would you mind sending over the employee handbook with list of benefits, I want to make sure I thoroughly review all the employee benefits when reviewing this job offer. So that way, the reason it's important for you to do this is because you don't want to ask for something that they already given to all the other employees. Let's just say that you start asking for them to pay for your MBA, and that's already standard at the company. Why are you going to ask for them negotiate it when it's already been provided? I rather you spend on something time like additional benefits and you can negotiate like that retention bonus because we already know they're going to pay for your MBA. So you want to be very strategic and intentional when it comes to creating a plan A B and C and the best way to do this is to already have a list of already benefits that's been provided. And then identifying, okay, what's missing that you can add to that. So perhaps, you know, they paid for the MBA, but you're looking to get this specific certification, that is$10,000. I think blackbelt, Lean Six Sigma, for some institutions can be around $10,000. Technically, that's not an MBA, and it wouldn't be covered on that specific benefit. So instead, you can still ask for, hey, I would like to get a professional stipend of 10,000, I really want to get my black belt, Lean Six Sigma. And along with that other certifications in order for me to stay up to date, and be able to always sharper my skill and be able to stay on trends with the different programming languages, if you're in tech, things happen so fast, that now you're already asking for that, because you know, they're not offering it. And you don't want to ask for something, like I said, that's already offering. So you want to be very intentional. The other thing is, so now that you have the employee handbook, let's just assume you want to make a list of all the things in order from what's important to you, and least important. So if you have kids, maybe a daycare stipend will be very useful. Or maybe parking, sometimes they pay for miles, even traveling, or they'll give you discount, or parking vouchers or transportation vouchers. If you're in a big city, then you can start making a list of things. Well, daycare is really important. I have kids, or I don't have kids, but I commute a lot. And I spend a lot, you know, usually around 80 to $100 on public transportation a week. So maybe I want to increase or ask for that stipend. Maybe you've already been working. And now your current company get four weeks vacation, this company only offers 15 days, well, then that's very important on your list, maybe you can negotiate that as well, because that's at the top. So again, you want to make a list of what's already been provided, then what would you want on top of that, and then ranking in order what's most important to you. And this is going to be important for you, again, to create that plan A, B, and C, because we sometimes don't always know. And honestly, we don't know exactly what's going to offer. So we always need to prepare. Like I said, I want to make sure we ensure success. So we're going to prepare for the expected and the unexpected. And once you've make a list of all the things based on priority, that's when you start creating your plan A, B and C. So one of the things that I like to do is okay, Plan A is they give you the top salary, you are excited, you're like, oh my god, this is the top of the range already. I love it. And okay, if that's the case, what else you're going to negotiate, what else are we going to ask for? And sometimes they might be, they might give you a 24 hour? I hope not. But sometimes it could be like, hey, we need to respond to the next 24 hours. You don't want to have time to do this. Instead, you already want to come in prepared. And what if you have three offers coming in all at once, you want to make sure you're easily able to prepare and say, hey, great, based off of this, thank you so much for the salary. I'm wondering, we can discuss seeing compensation benefits, I have a list or I'd be more than happy to share with you some of the things that I have in mind. And then you can start that conversation and negotiation. And then you can have that list right in front of you. Because you know, that's exactly what you want. And based on hierarchy or what's most important to you. Now Plan B is well there, maybe $10,000.05 to$10,000 off from what you were looking for. But we can still close that gap. So let's just say there's a $10,000 gap. While then no one was most important to you can say well, how about we get a $5,000 signing bonus, and we increase your bonus compensation to instead of 10% to 15% that can get us to that number. Or it could be a $5,000 signing bonus and a $5,000 retention bonus, if you stay in the company for 12 months, you see how we're now we're getting closer to that number, I still want you to get to that number that you want. That's at the top range of the salary. And it just might look different. We're gonna slice and dice it in different ways. But that's why we or I want you to make a list of all the benefits to get us to that number. Sometimes we're gonna have to bundle five, six things to get us to that number, or we might just ask for one thing to get us to that. So that's what it looks like no plan C is false. We're about 15 $20,000 off. How can we get to that number? Well, then it could be you know, maybe the$10,000 stipend professional development stipend every year, plus a $5,000 sign on bonus plus an additional two weeks of paid vacation, and that'll get you to that number. And again, it has to be something that you are happy with. Don't ask for something where even at the end of the day if they still offer to your like, I don't think I want that that's still not enough, then that means you need to ask for more. Just say, hey, like, if there's a $40,000 salary discrepancy, then in a little bit, I'll share the script with you, then we can say like, how much closer can they get us to that, and then we negotiate that difference. But as you can see, this is very important, it does take some time, it's not something, you can just wing it and think about it, you need to have that List of Employee Benefits, you need to make a list of what's most important to you. And then even ask for it, whether you ask between five vacation days and extra 10 vacation days or an extra 15 vacation days. Because again, we don't know what they're offering, and what are they have unlimited vacation, and that was top of your list, well, then you can immediately go to your second and third tier, because it's already been prepared. So this is what you want to do. When it comes to preparing for that sound negotiation. You want to make sure you're prepared. You want to make sure you're aligned with what you want, and what's most important to you. And like I said, always negotiate your salary, even if it's a really good job offer. I had a client where at the time she was making$90,000. And she was applying for a job. And we did our research. And we knew at the top of the range, we'll be around 140. So we created a plan A, B, and C. And guess what she got a job offer for 150 $10,000 more than what they said the top range was and what we did our research on. So of course, I'm like this is a really great deal, you're going from 90 to making 150. We see the market cap was 140. But they loved you so much. They want to bring you in house. So they offer generously the 150. Now we feel like we can't really push more on the salary, let's start negotiating benefits. And she already had a list. Thankfully, the company already made the public their employee benefits. And instead, she asked for that$10,000 annual stipend. And they said yes, that was going to be perfect for her industry for her role and help her stay competitive. And even her manager was impressed that she's always having that growth mindset and that she was prepared to ask for that, because that is showed how much important that is to her. And again, she was already put in, she caught up with me afterwards said like, because of that, too. And she was able to get that certification, she was promoted a lot faster than her peers who didn't have that specific certification. Again, we planned it out, there was a really great offer, it was more than what we were anticipating. And she's still negotiating, and she got it and because of it and help her stand out from her peers, and accelerate her promotion. So this is a prime example of what it looks like when you're coming prepared and how it can best serve you. And you want to make sure that if you feel comfortable with it, so kind of To recap so far is you want to make sure you have an idea of what the true range of the role is to you want to make sure you create a plan A, B, and C and make a list of what's most important to you in that rank. And then afterwards, you want to make sure you practice negotiation or sound negotiation overall can be uncomfortable for a lot of people. So it's not like we negotiate every day, or every week or every month or every year. And I've even had clients that never even negotiate it in their whole entire lives. I work with executives of like VP of Sales who have 20 plus years of experience. Tell me ADIA, I'm embarrassed to say but I've never negotiated my salary. And that's okay. So we know that this is very uncomfortable topic for a lot of people, not a skill set we do every single day. So let's practice, let's ensure success. So I want you to practice whether it's in front of a mirror in front of your pets, or your front of your loved ones, or a friend, whoever that is, is are practicing the sound negotiation. So here's the quick script I promised. And this is something that you can say, and the script I'll be sharing with you later in the link. It gives you even additional different snares. If they tell you well, we don't have the budget. Or currently, that's more than what a lot of their peers are making. We can pay you more than everyone else. All these situations I have you covered. Like I said, I'll share the link in a little bit. But what you want to do if you get the job offer extended, you want to first you know, show your enthusiasm. Thank you so much. You're not got that enough for this job offer. I'm so excited to be working as the new director of software engineering, then is really getting started some of these top initiatives that we discussed during the interview. Now, as far as a response, what is the latest you need a response by for this job offer? And then they'll give you the date. And if you don't have the employee benefits you can say Would you mind also sending me the job offer letter along with the employee benefits. I want to make sure that I thoroughly review it and I'm able to see you know, what are the benefits provided from the company? And if they were to say, sure, but you know, from what you heard, what are your thoughts? Or know, what are you looking for? If you're already prepared, then when it comes to this conversation, then you can say, you know, again, thank you for the offer. Thanks for sending that. As far as salary, I'm actually looking for salary closer to $150,000. How can we close that gap? And stay quiet? That's it? How can we close that gap? You're not asking them like, it becomes more of like, collaborative. I've used it personally, when I used to negotiate my salary when clients have used it as well. And it's not combative. It's like, No, I demand more. It's like, Hey, I'm actually looking for a seller closer to this amount, you know, how can we close that gap? And it's not the question of, can we close a gap? Because can we it could be yes or no? How can we close a gap? Now it opens up to options and possibilities. Now, some companies tend to have preferences on additional benefits they can give you, they might say like, we don't do sign on bonuses at this company, but they might be more open to pay for your MBA, even though it might be cheaper for them to give you a signing bonus than an MBA. But some companies just have like that culture, or some of them are, you know, very well known for giving sign on bonuses and retention bonuses and all these other things. So every company kind of has that personality and style. So how can we close that gap? gives them the ability to help you close that gap. However, they must feel most comfortable. Now, if they're like, Well, do you have something in mind, then you need to be ready, that's when you pull up that list. Oh, you know, here are my thoughts that can get us closer to that number. And then it becomes a conversation and you are prepared if they need it. And if not, they can say you know what, let me get back to you and see what we can do. And that in my belief is, hey, if you want to pay me and pennies, and with that $10,000 discrepancy, I don't care, I'm gonna deposit in the bank, and it's still $10,000 At the end of the day. So like I said, whether it's them paper yam BA, that's gonna save you$100,000 Out of Pocket, great, if it's going to be that $10,000 Professional stipend every year, great, because that would have been coming out of your pocket. And now it's not anymore. So give them the liberty to figure out how they can close and get closer to that number. And if they don't have an ATM, or they're very open, then you have a list already of how to get closer to that number. And like I mentioned, in the link here, I'm going to share the scripts that you can use for salary negotiation. But like I said, there's many different ways you can do this. And the reason why this works is because you've done your research, it's no longer a guessing game, you're not saying Well, I think I want this, it's Hey, I'm looking for salary closer to this number. And then if they say, well, that's not what we pay here for those types of jobs. That's when you bring back some of those interview conversations that you've had, what you've discussed, why, you know, they want you your credentials, everything in between. And then you've already are prepared, and you've already created different scenarios of you know, what you want, how can we get closer to that number, and is exactly aligned with what's most important to you, then you know that if they offer you the salary, you'd be more than happy with it. And it knows exactly what the market is paying. And like I said, every company has a preference. Sometimes they feel more comfortable giving you this specific benefit as opposed to others. That's really based on different companies and organizations. So you want to be flexible. So if they don't have it, then you know they're not comfortable. Then you have Plan B and C that can get you to that number. So if you're wondering how can I do this, like clotted, this sounds great, but I don't know how to do this on my own, I need a little bit more help. That's exactly why I created my proprietary program called 90 day job offer, where I walk you through every step of the process from when it comes to job searching, finding the right company, how to interview so well to become the sought after candidate and how to negotiate your salary, that you no longer will feel or leave money on the table. And it's with confidence and ease. I've had clients go from making 90,000 to 152, not 200,000 I had a client that was making 180,000 and just jumped making straight 300,000. And now she's interviewing for a head of DNI Director role which now can pay around 400 to 450. So these are proven strategies that I've done and worked with my clients across various different industries and roles. And it's been successful every single time. And like I said, on average, my clients get 56% in salary increases. And that equates to anywhere between 30 and even up to $120,000 in additional earned income. So if you want to learn more, I'll have the link so that way you can schedule a complimentary career strategy call, but let me know what other questions you have. And of course, if you use the strategies today, let me know if it was successful. I want to hear more. All right, thanks. Take care. Did you know I have started 100% free Facebook group dedicated to making job searching easy for career driven women and help them master their interviewing, networking and start negotiation skills. And we're doing free weekly trainings, covering everything from how to sell yourself to increasing your salary by 30% minimum. Plus, you'll be in there with a network of other ambitious women. So make sure to join us by texting us the word join 28449951523 And we'll see you there